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Fitzsimons Credit Union Cares About Your Health and Safety Amidst COVID-19

Our Partners Are Our Top Concern

We at Fitzsimons Credit Union see our members, staff, vendors, and neighbors as partners in our vision as the recognized leader in our community.  We are closely monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak situation and we want to assure all our valued partners that we are following the available public health recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  Further, our business continuity plan includes protocols should the outbreak in the United States worsen; we are monitoring and following guidance by the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC).  We are well-positioned to make changes to the ways we provide service to our members, should that become necessary.

Your Fitzsimons CU Experience

If you call or visit us, you may notice:

Extra measures being taken to clean and sanitize surfaces
Sanitizing wipes or hand pumps in the branch. Please feel free to use them but leave them in place for other members
Limited physical contact – please don’t be offended if we don’t greet you with our typical friendly handshake.
Slightly longer hold times, if more members begin to call rather than come to a branch

Be Proactive

In addition to the safety tips to prevent illness offered by the CDC, we suggest the following financial preparedness tips:

  • Enroll in online banking to gain access to your accounts from home, 24/7.
  • Get a debit card for your account.  You will be able to make deposits, pay for purchases, and get cash without the need to come into a branch.
  • Download the FitzsimonsCU app for Apple or Android devices.  You can deposit checks using the remote check deposit feature.
  • Sign up for direct deposit if your employer offers it.
  • Use our online portal to make loan payments.
  • Utilize your computer or mobile device to apply for loans or new accounts.

These simple tips will help you be prepared to access your account and your funds, even if you need to stay close to home.

Let Us Know What You Need

If the spread of coronavirus affects you financially – we are here to help. We know that life happens and when it does, we just need you to get in contact with us so that we can help you figure out a plan. If we don’t hear from you, we can’t work with you, so make sure you keep us informed.

We’ll Keep You Updated

In the event that we need to make any changes to our lobby service, we will keep you posted through email, our website,, our Facebook page and our Twitter account.  We appreciate your patience and understanding as we do what’s best for all of our partners.

Beware Of Scams

Unfortunately, there are always some individuals who try to take advantage of people’s fears and vulnerabilities.  Be on the lookout for sites that ask for personal information in exchange for medical advice, sites that sell products with false claims, and sites that pose as charities.  The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has some great tips to steer clear of them.

Your Funds Are Safe

We would like to remind you that your deposits at Fitzsimons FCU are safe.  Fitzsimons Credit Union is well-capitalized and financially strong.  Further, your funds are federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government.  You can estimate your share insurance by using the estimator tool on the website.

Thank you for your support of and your membership in Fitzsimons Credit Union.  We will face this challenge well-prepared and as a community that looks out for each other, because that’s what partners are for.

If you have any further questions, please email us at or call us at 303-340-3343. ‘


Robert M Fryberger, Jr
Fitzsimons Federal Credit Union

Join Our Supervisory Committee

Fitzsimons is seeking volunteers to safeguard our members' assets. Must be 18+ and a member in good standing.